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Baltimore City Sheriff’s Office

Resources for Veterans

Referral & Wraparound Services

For veterans who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, provides one-stop access to community-based services to promote permanent housing, health care, mental health care, career development, and access to VA and non-VA benefits. 
Provides assistance to veterans to find affordable housing, job training for civilian careers, and employment. Provides referrals for health care, mental health care, and legal services.
Provides housing services, including emergency housing, transitional housing, and single-room occupancy; access to on-site mental health and substance use treatment; and connection to benefits counselors and employment specialists. Also provides a drop-in center with clothing, showers, water, and rest area.

Health Services

Provides healthcare, mental health care, specialty care, social work, and support services to veterans

Residential Treatment for Mental Health & Substance Use

Provides services to homeless veterans, including residential substance use and mental health treatment
Provides services to homeless veterans, including residential substance use and mental health treatment